2011년 1월 23일 일요일

Compare and Contrast Essay.(High Rise)

     Hello readers of my blog? I going to introduce to you about a site called 'High Rise' In the high rise we can meet many friend from many different countries. Today I am going to introduce my friend Sylva from Prague, Europe. First I am going to compare and contrast with me and Sylva. Secondly, I am going to tell you about the simmilities with me and Sylva. How about making your own friend after reading my essay? Shall we?
     First I am going to compare and contrast with me and Sylva. Sylva has 2 girl twins. But My mom had given birth to me and my brother. Her job is artist. A visual artist. A visual artist does graphics, illustration, computer graphics and photo graphics. But on the other hand my future job is a Diplomatdiplomat is a person appointed by a state to conduct diplomacy with another state. The main functions of diplomats revolve around the representation and protection of the interests and nationals of the sending state.(Wikipedia) 

Ode to my MP3 player

Dear my MP3 player.

Dear my Ipod,
You are my best friend,
You are there when I was alone,
No matter what time it was,
I put you through a lot,
You were dropped and stepped on and lost,
But you never abandoned me,
I filled you up with songs to your fullest capacity,
You kept me happy.
You kept me sane,
For three years,
Once you were accedentally left in a friends car all weekend,
I got you back though and missed you every second that you were gone,
I would sneak you into class,
Always hidden beneath my jacket and my dark hair,
And you would drown out the world,
Once you were ill,
You  crashed,
You wouldn't work,
I was so worried,
I thought I had lost you,
But luckily  I didn't lost you
I love you MP3♡♥
                                             Sincerly, Sarah♡

History presentation about the women in the time of Charlemagne.

Women in the time of Charlemagne.
Goodmorning/ good afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen? Today We are having Second last presentation in GLPS. Today I am very nerveos that today we have to do 10minutes presentation. I was struggling with my topic because, my topic was the medival women. I was researching about it but ther wasn’t good resources. So I might say the example what was in the movie. First, I am going to say to you about Women’s life. Secondly, I am going to talk to you about noble women. Thirdly, Peassent women and Lastly aI am going to compare and contrast with noble women, nuns, peasent women and women in nowadays. And I will finish within Conclusion. Ladies! This presentation will make you think and thank our parents that they had given your life not like medival women. Gentlemen you should be caring women after you listen to this presentation.
Let’s begin!
Women’s life
First, I am going to say to you about the medival women’s life. Imagine a\when you were born. What do you see when you first opened your eyes?? Grandma, Grandpa, Parents smiiling and say She is beutiful, He is handsome and you can see their smiling and caring and also loving faces all over them Do you think the Medival women when they are first born will see smiling, loving and carin face and saying Wow she/he is gorgeous? NO definatly no. What they first see is a man a cruel man. Who looks like the scary tiger who’s gonna eat you in a sight. He will make you work every mminute and every seconds. But that’s only peasent women. What about noble womens? Well they are weatlhy so they did not had to sell their daughters like peasent women. What they see at the very very first sight will be busy but playing parents. Unfortunately, for the parents good, They give their daughters to other countries to gain their land and properties. Back to peasant women, they had to work work work. If you were the peasent women what would you feel like? If you were the noble women what would you feel like? Good? Fantastic? Bad? Upset? If i was the peasent women, I would not like to work all the time and feel tired and maybe regret me parents but on the other hand, it wasn’t our parent’s fault so I might think positivley. I f I were the noblwe women I would be very gorgeous. And fun but later on because of the not caring parent and only want to play, I would think that I will be bored and not fun at all.! I don’t want to become a pig. The life of the medival women is kind of poor and also it makes me think that I am the lucky girl comparing to the medival women. I want you to tell me your feelings and also think back our past when we were upset with our parents you will feel grateful to your parents that you were born in 1998 or 1999.
Please think back.
Noble women
Noble women. Did you ever heard noble?? In nowadays we don’t really use the word noble. Noble means ‘ A woman who is a member of the nobility’
The education of Noble women in the Middle Ages concentrated on the practical as opposed to academic. Young noble women as  young as seven girls would be sent away from their home to live with another noble family. There she would be taught a range of subjects and skills. Manners and etiquette were of prime importance, including how to curtsey and how to mix with the greatest nobles in the land. Time would be spent learning how to dance and ride. Archery were also taught to young noble women. These young girls were expected to act as servants to the older ladies of the castle. The duties of the young noble women would be to look after clothes and the assist ladies with their dressing and coiffure. And Noble women had very little, if any, choice in who her husband might be. Marriages were frequently arranged so that both families involved would benefit. Marriages would be arranged to bring prestige or wealth to the family of noble women. Marriage for love was a rare occurrence. Noble women of the Middle Ages were expected to bring a dowry to the marriage. A dowry was an amount of money, goods, and property that the bride would bring to the marriage. The law gave a husband full rights over his wife, whether she was a Noble woman or a commoner. She effectively became his property. A wealthy marriage of a Noble woman was celebrated by nine days of feasting and jousting. After marriage Noble women of the Middle Ages were expected to run the households but their main duty was to provide children. Large families were the norm in the Middle Ages as the mortality rate for children and babies was so high. Many Noble woman made arrangements for the care of their children in case they themselves died during childbirth. The life expectancy of a woman in the Middle Ages was just forty years. Most Medieval woman would become pregnant between 4 and 8 times. A woman during the Middle Ages would expect to lose at least one child. But nowadays the medical had developed so no babies die easily. Think that you lost your baby. You will feel guilty. But they which is the noble women will think it ok and give birth to the other baby. They lived in a big house. They lived in the big and hunormous house to represent their wealth.
Peasent women
The daily life of lower class women in the Middle ages was hard. Women were expected to help their peasant husbands with their daily chores as well as attending to provisions and the cooking of daily meals and other duties customarily undertaken by women. The daily life for peasant women in the Middle Ages can be described as follows:
§  The daily life of a peasant woman started at started in the summer as early as 3am
§  She first had to prepare a breakfast, usually of pottage
§  Work in the fields or on the land started by dawn and the daily life of a peasant woman during the Middle Ages would include this type of hard work during busy times especially harvest
§  Preparations had to be started in order to provide the daily meals
§  Peasant women were expected to look after small animals - geese, chickens etc
§  Weaving, spinning and making and mending clothes were also part of a woman's work
§  Preparing rushes for lighting
§  Making preserves
§  Tending the vegetable plot and collecting berries and herbs
§  Women were also responsible for the children and need an understanding of medicines and herbs for basic nursing requirements
§  Outside work finished at dusk, working hours were therefore longer during the summer months
§  Women generally ate when her husband and children had finished and had little leisure time
These are the daily life of the peasent women. They wore the cloth which were made in unuseless cottons and the piece of the wool. There house were the owners house if they had the house, they will live poorly.
Compare and Contrast.
Before I compare with noble, nuns, peasent and women in nowadays, I will tell you about the nuns. The daily life of Medieval nuns in the Middle Ages were based on the three main vows:
§  The Vow of Poverty
§  The Vow of Chastity
§  The Vow of Obedience
Medieval nuns chose to renounce all worldly life and goods and spend their lives working under the strict routine and discipline of life in a Medieval Convent or Nunnery. The reasons for becoming a nun, their clothes and the different orders are detailed in Medieval Nuns and Nuns Clothes in the Middle Ages The life of Medieval nuns was dedicated to worship, reading, and working in the convent or nunnery. In addition to their attendance at church, the nuns spent several hours in private prayer, and meditation.  Women were not usually well educated during the Middle Ages although some nuns were taught to read and write. convents and nunneries provided the only source of education for women during the Middle Ages although the knowledge the nuns were provided with was carefully screened by the Church hierarchy. The life of medieval nuns were filled with the following work and chores:
§  Washing and cooking for the monastery
§  Raising the necessary supplies of vegetables and grain
§  Producing wine, ale and honey
§  Providing medical care for the community
§  Providing education for novices
§  Spinning, weaving and embroidery
§  Illuminating manuscripts
Not all nuns were given hard, manual work. Women who came from wealthy backgrounds were invariably given lighter work and spent time on such tasks as spinning and embroidery.  There were also lay sisters who were female members of the convent or nunnery who were not bound to the recitation of the divine office and spent their time occupied in manual work.(from middleages.com) The daily life of a Medieval nun during the Middle Ages centred around the hours. The Book of Hours was the main prayer book  and was divided into eight sections, or hours, that were meant to be read at specific times of the day in the convent. Each section contained prayers, psalms, hymns, and other readings intended to help the nuns secure salvation for herself. Each day was divided into these eight sacred offices, beginning and ending with prayer services in the convent or nunnery church. These were the times specified for the recitation of divine office which was the term used to describe the cycle of daily devotions. The times of these prayers were called by the following names -  Matins, Lauds, Prime, Terce, Sext, Nones, Vespers and Compline:
§  Lauds : the early morning service of divine office approx 5am
§  Matins : the night office; the service recited at 2 am in the divine office
§  Prime : The 6am service
§  Sext : the third of the Little Hours of divine office, recited at the sixth hour (noon)
§  Nones : the fourth of the Little Hours of the divine office, recited at the ninth hour (3 pm)
§  Terce : the second of the Little Hours of divine office, recited at the third hour (9 am)
§  Vespers : the evening service of divine office, recited before dark (4 - 5pm)
§  Compline : the last of the day services of divine office, recited before retiring (6pm)
Any work was immediately ceased at these times of daily prayer. The nuns were required to stop what they were doing and attend the services. The food of the monks was generally basic and the mainstay of which was bread and meat. The beds they slept on were pallets filled with straw. 
The famous women in the nowadays according to http://creativequotations.com/women-az.html,  the famous ACTRESSES, DANCERS, SINGERS, MUSICIANS, COMEDIANS, DIRECTORS, PRODUCERS ARE...
Noble women and the peasent women in different in these reasons. The noble women is more richer than the peasent women. Second, they don’t have to work than peasent women. Noble women and nuns are very different too; the noble women just think about herself but nuns think about every one. Noble women is sellfish but the nuns aren’t. The noble women and the women in the nowadays are different too; they can be  happy and rich at the same time. So in conclusion. I think only rich is not the most happiest thing in the world.
Thank you for listening to my speech and participaying on my speech. I hope you understand my speech.  I told you about first, womens life. Secondly, noble women and thiirdly peasent women and lastly I compared noble, peasent and nuns and lastly women in the nowadays. Thank you for listening and have a nice day!!

History Presentation of Oliver♡

Good morning/ good afternoon Mr. Urban, Miss 도형 and fellow students in class 24. My name is 승연 but you can call me Sarah. Today, as everyone knows, we are having the 2nd history presentation about the characters of the movie, Charlemagne. I am going to introduce to you about Oliver. 1st am going to tell you about brief history about Oliver, 2nd Olivers looks., 3rd, Oliver in the movie, Lastly difference with me and Oliver. To me Oliver in the movie, he is faithful and respectful. I want you to think and listen to my speech. And look back our life when we didnt respect our parents. Even though its the 2nd time, I might be nervous and please tell me when its wrong. So, shall we start to find whose Oliver? I will tell you about him. Lets Begin!!!!!

       First I am going to tell you about brief history about Oliver. Oliver is one of the 12 peers of France. There are Turpin which is Bishop, Duke Naymes which is the wise one, Ganilon the traitor, Lambert of Bourges, Ogier the Dane, Richard of Normandy and other knights which are renowned in the movie. Oliver is the wisest, faithful and also best friend and knight to the king. He went to many wars with Charles. He was always with Charles every day when there is a war. Like at the war of Aquitaine. When the king of Aquitaine tried to kill Charles in the movie, Oliver helped Charles. And also, he caught the prince of Aquitaine which was running away from them. Unfortunately he died because of the trait of Ganilon. At the war with Roncevaux(론스복스). He had sacrificed for the king, Charles.
Secondly I am going to tell you about Olivers looks. In the hand out you can see how he looks like. His hair is brown, with curly hair and long hair. And also, he is wearing body armor. He looks kind and generous looks. Hes looks and the personality is the same. He is kind, generous, respects others and also, faithful.

Thirdly, I am going to tell you about Oliver in the movie. Oliver in the movie is that he is very loyal and faithful. He respected Charles and Charles also respected Oliver. From this I knew that if you are good to someone or you treated nice to someone, you will be also treated the same way. Oliver in the movie was intelligent and also, brave. He is brave in the wars like war with Aquitaine and the war that he was killed, the war with Roncevaux(론스복스). Every time in the movie, he seems kind and happy. He always smiles and also he helps others. I want to be like Oliver who is kind and generous and also, most importantly, faithful.

Lastly, but not the least, I am going to tell you the differences with me and Oliver. Oliver is kind, generous, faithful and etc. but on the other hand when I think back my past, I wasnt kind to my brother or faithful to my parents. Thats the difference. And also, when Oliver is brave, I am not brave enough to even make a speech like, here. The similar thing with me and Oliver is that he and I are trying harder to achieve the dream of ours and also, he and I are trying to be more faithful to someone who is higher than us. Lastly, we have a family that love us and can sacrifice for us and also whom we can sacrifice for them.

Thank you for listening to my speech today. I hope you understood the speech that Ive been telling you. I talked about First about brief history about Oliver. Oliver is one of the 12 peers of France. There are Turpin which is Bishop, Duke Naymes which is the wise one, Ganilon the traitor, Lambert of Bourges, Ogier the Dane, Richard of Normandy and other knights which are renowned in the movie. Oliver is the wisest, faithful and also best friend and knight to the king. Secondly I told you about Olivers looks. In the hand out you can see how he looks like. His hair is brown, with curly hair and long hair. Thirdly, told you about Oliver in the movie. Oliver in the movie is that he is very loyal and faithful. He respected Charles and Charles also respected Oliver. Lastly, but not the least, I am told you the differences with me and Oliver. Oliver is kind, generous, faithful and etc. but on the other hand when I think back my past, I wasnt kind to my brother or faithful to my parents. I think Oliver is very kind generous and also, he is the best character in the movie.


2011년 1월 17일 월요일

The Summary of Magic Tree House #19

Title: Magic Treehouse#19- Tigers at Twilight                                                                                          Author: Mary Pope Osborne
     One sunny day, there were two children who were lost in the forest of Frog Creek,  Pennsylvania. Near the forest, they saw a treehouse which change their lives. They discovered a book which has full of magic. A book that has lots and lots of adventures. They also discovered that the owner of the treehouse is Morgan le Fay. They helped her and became master librarians. Now they are on a quest on solving another problem, off they go to their magical book. Their quest is at India, as Jack pointed the cover of the book that is where they started their mission.
     As they journey to India Jack and Annie began searching for the third gift
to break the spell of their friend teddy. They met many rare and endangered animals there. As they go deeper they met many hunters and poachers there.They defeated them and saved a tiger. They met a hermit who they found out that  he has the third gift. After getting the third gift they set out and again travel in search for the last gift.
       A. How did you feel after reading the story?
        I felt happy because jack and annie had finished their mission and they  helped save the endangered animals.
       B. How can you relate your life to this story?
        I can relate myself to jack in this story. Because Jack is so protective to her sister like me protecting my little brother.

Tigers at Twilight (Magic Tree House Series #19)

Short Diary

Short Diary
Today  wasn't able to eat breakfast because I needed to shower. So I hurried and finished the shower. Today I was nervous because of the history presentation. My character is Oliver. I hope I could do well☆
                            Wish me luck! 

"Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring"

In the film, what lesson do you think the monk is trying to teach his young student? Reflectively relate this learning process to your own personal experience.   

     Hello readers of my essay. My name is Seung yeon but you can call me Sarah. This essay is  based on the movie called "Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring" Please enjoy my essay.
     When the movie started I knew that the back ground is the temple by looking as the yin and yang theory. Yin and yang theory is found in the temples of Korea and the palaces from Korea. Yin and yang theory means two different things like summer and winter, water and land and also black and white etc. In this movie, there is water asround the lanc. that s example of the yin and yang theory.
     In this movie, I think the monk is trying to teach the young student about the importance of the creatures like animals. Like when he tied aa ribon on to the fish, snake and the fog, he laughed. When the monk saw that he brang heav stone and tied on tothe young student's back.When the young student woke up, he felt something heavy on his back. So, he told the monk that there is some heavy stone on his back. The monk said, if you untie the animal, then he will take off the heavy tone on his back. But if animal that he tied die, then you will have heavy stonee in your mind everytime.

     When he arrived to the place where he let the animals go, he found the fish. Unfortunately, the fish was dead. The child was in a shock so he buried the fish. Next, he found the frog. The frg wasn't dead but, he was struggling. So, the child let the frog go. Lastly he found the snake at the mountain. Hefoundthe snake di\ead with blood all over the snake. the boy started to cry. Finally, he thought over what he did by making them die or have stress.

     After watching this video, I felt that I should be more careful when I raisethe animals like fishes. When I go back to home, I am going to take care of the gold fish with love, and respect. I's like parents thinking about us, worrying about us and respecting us. Lastly, Love us. 

                                                 Thank you for reading my essay.   

2011년 1월 16일 일요일

2nd Diamante POEM

Fact, reality
Knowing, being, acting
Certainly, confidence, honestly
Cheating, lying, tricking
False, fake

Diamante POEM

Happy, Friendly
Running, Jumping, Barking
Paws, Tails,
Claws, Teeth
Hiding, Avoiding, Demanding
Snobby, Skittish


2011년 1월 11일 화요일



2011년 1월 10일 월요일


Charlie bite me again
Charlie bite me again is a video that we can turn back our childhood and think about our siblings.
Charlie bite me again is funny and also you can know their love between Charlie and his brother.
You will laugh and think at the same time when you are watching this video.
PS. this video reminds me my BROTHER HARRY.

Sneezing PANDA

Sneezing Panda
This video clip is about the Baby Panda sneezing and the mother panda surprises. 
I think this video clip is funny because the mother was  surprised of her child sneezing.
Enjoy this video and think about your mom who is waiting for you.
Who is not scared of your sneezes and always loves you. 
I miss you mom and dad 

Presentation in History, Carlemagne_ Bertrada

The presentation in HISTORY
     Goodmorning/Good afternoon Everyone?? My name is 승연 but you can call me Sarah. Today, as every one knows, we are having history presentation about the Characters of Charlesmagne. My Character is Bertrada and I am going to talk about her. Are you ready to listen my speech? OK. Here it goes.
First I will tell a brief history about her life. Bertrada of Laon, also called Bertha Broadfoot , She was the Queen of France. She was a Frankish queen. She was born in Laon. In wikkipedia it said that Bertrada in today is Aisne, France, the daughter of Caribert of Laon. She married Pipin the Short, the son of Charles Martel, the Frankish "Mayor of the Palace", in 740. although the union was not canonically sanctioned until several years later. Eleven years later, in 751, Pepin and Bertrada became King and Queen of the Franks. pipin and Bertrada became sucessful being king and a queen.
Secondly I am going to tell her family which is their children. Bertrada and Pipin are known to have had four children, three sons and one daughter: of these, Charles (Charlemagne), Carloman, and Gisela survived to adulthood, whilst Pipin died in infancy. Charlemagne and Carloman would inherit the two halves of their father's kingdom when he died, and Gisela became a nun. But unfortunatly, Carloman died of the food poisining and Charles became a king of France.
Thirdly her life.Bertrada lived at the court of her elder son Charles, and according to Einhard their relationship was excellent. She recommended him to marry his first wife, Desiderata, a daughter of the Lombard king Desiderius, but he soon divorced her. Einhard claims this was the only episode that ever strained relations between mother and son. Bertrada lived with Charlemagne until her death in 783; the king buried her in Saint Denis Basilica with great honors. When she was living with Charles, she recommanded many things and keep Charles busy and angry. When Queen Bertrda died Charles were sadder than anyone else.

Thank you for listening to my speech. Did you understand? I talked about first, brief history of Queen Bertrada and I said that she was born in Laon and also She married the king of the France which means she was the Frankish queen. Secondly, I said that She had 4 children. 3sons and 1 daughter but one died which was Carloman and gisela became a nun. Thirdly I have said that her life was always with her first son Charles. Even though She said charles to do this and do that he was the saddest person when she dyded. Before watching this movie, I felt I wanted to be a queen because she can do anything she wantss to do and can always play. But that was wrong. After watching this movie, I felt that I wanted to be a queen because nobody loves her as a family. Even the king always marry another woman again and again. I think that is not the best to be a queen. And also I like who I am right now. Once again, Thankyou for listening to my speech. Thankyou for listening to my speech and paying attention.