2011년 1월 23일 일요일

Ode to my MP3 player

Dear my MP3 player.

Dear my Ipod,
You are my best friend,
You are there when I was alone,
No matter what time it was,
I put you through a lot,
You were dropped and stepped on and lost,
But you never abandoned me,
I filled you up with songs to your fullest capacity,
You kept me happy.
You kept me sane,
For three years,
Once you were accedentally left in a friends car all weekend,
I got you back though and missed you every second that you were gone,
I would sneak you into class,
Always hidden beneath my jacket and my dark hair,
And you would drown out the world,
Once you were ill,
You  crashed,
You wouldn't work,
I was so worried,
I thought I had lost you,
But luckily  I didn't lost you
I love you MP3♡♥
                                             Sincerly, Sarah♡

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