2011년 1월 10일 월요일

Presentation in History, Carlemagne_ Bertrada

The presentation in HISTORY
     Goodmorning/Good afternoon Everyone?? My name is 승연 but you can call me Sarah. Today, as every one knows, we are having history presentation about the Characters of Charlesmagne. My Character is Bertrada and I am going to talk about her. Are you ready to listen my speech? OK. Here it goes.
First I will tell a brief history about her life. Bertrada of Laon, also called Bertha Broadfoot , She was the Queen of France. She was a Frankish queen. She was born in Laon. In wikkipedia it said that Bertrada in today is Aisne, France, the daughter of Caribert of Laon. She married Pipin the Short, the son of Charles Martel, the Frankish "Mayor of the Palace", in 740. although the union was not canonically sanctioned until several years later. Eleven years later, in 751, Pepin and Bertrada became King and Queen of the Franks. pipin and Bertrada became sucessful being king and a queen.
Secondly I am going to tell her family which is their children. Bertrada and Pipin are known to have had four children, three sons and one daughter: of these, Charles (Charlemagne), Carloman, and Gisela survived to adulthood, whilst Pipin died in infancy. Charlemagne and Carloman would inherit the two halves of their father's kingdom when he died, and Gisela became a nun. But unfortunatly, Carloman died of the food poisining and Charles became a king of France.
Thirdly her life.Bertrada lived at the court of her elder son Charles, and according to Einhard their relationship was excellent. She recommended him to marry his first wife, Desiderata, a daughter of the Lombard king Desiderius, but he soon divorced her. Einhard claims this was the only episode that ever strained relations between mother and son. Bertrada lived with Charlemagne until her death in 783; the king buried her in Saint Denis Basilica with great honors. When she was living with Charles, she recommanded many things and keep Charles busy and angry. When Queen Bertrda died Charles were sadder than anyone else.

Thank you for listening to my speech. Did you understand? I talked about first, brief history of Queen Bertrada and I said that she was born in Laon and also She married the king of the France which means she was the Frankish queen. Secondly, I said that She had 4 children. 3sons and 1 daughter but one died which was Carloman and gisela became a nun. Thirdly I have said that her life was always with her first son Charles. Even though She said charles to do this and do that he was the saddest person when she dyded. Before watching this movie, I felt I wanted to be a queen because she can do anything she wantss to do and can always play. But that was wrong. After watching this movie, I felt that I wanted to be a queen because nobody loves her as a family. Even the king always marry another woman again and again. I think that is not the best to be a queen. And also I like who I am right now. Once again, Thankyou for listening to my speech. Thankyou for listening to my speech and paying attention.  

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