2011년 1월 7일 금요일

UFO alert

UFO alert!!
     It was a dark stormy night when a UFO apppeared in the sky. People didn't noticed that there were a UFO outside because they were busy sleeping. Well not quite everyone. A intelligent boy named Arthur , ran out to the window trying to see the UFO. He opened the door and followed the blue light.
     Arthur was going right to the UFO. Just before he could touch it, 3 purple aliens acame out of the UFO and took Arthur to the UFO.Arthur was being examined by the aliens. After the examination, Arthur became a genius. From the time, he planned to escape. Arthur asked the Aliens where are they going to . And they said that they are going to the planet "courb". Arthur planned that he would be  in the UFO when the aliens explore the planet and go back to the earth. But, thingsdid not go well. The Aliens asked Arthur to explore the planet "courb". Arthur was leaving the UFO when a voice called "Ahoi~" So he followed the sound, slowly. 
     Arthur tried to find the direction of the sound, He thought that the voice is from east. He turned right at the corner. Suddenly he could see a purple alien's voice. "Don't leave me!" said the Alien. And Arthur stopped. Arthur slowly turned around and the aliens were coming to him. The aliens were please to Arthur. The aliens wanted to go out the planet "courb." Aurther and the alien ade a deal that is about helping each others. the Aliens weren't able to go inside the UFO because it was broken. the Arthur got on the UFO to fix it.
     that time at earth, the people were in a shock about the evidence about UFO and about Arthur were gone. So, the NASA sent a space ship to the space. the genius Arthur knew ther eis a spaceship caoming from NASA because of the computer. As he is a genius, he sent a message to MASA and finally Arthur could go back to home, earth.

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