2011년 1월 17일 월요일

"Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring"

In the film, what lesson do you think the monk is trying to teach his young student? Reflectively relate this learning process to your own personal experience.   

     Hello readers of my essay. My name is Seung yeon but you can call me Sarah. This essay is  based on the movie called "Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring" Please enjoy my essay.
     When the movie started I knew that the back ground is the temple by looking as the yin and yang theory. Yin and yang theory is found in the temples of Korea and the palaces from Korea. Yin and yang theory means two different things like summer and winter, water and land and also black and white etc. In this movie, there is water asround the lanc. that s example of the yin and yang theory.
     In this movie, I think the monk is trying to teach the young student about the importance of the creatures like animals. Like when he tied aa ribon on to the fish, snake and the fog, he laughed. When the monk saw that he brang heav stone and tied on tothe young student's back.When the young student woke up, he felt something heavy on his back. So, he told the monk that there is some heavy stone on his back. The monk said, if you untie the animal, then he will take off the heavy tone on his back. But if animal that he tied die, then you will have heavy stonee in your mind everytime.

     When he arrived to the place where he let the animals go, he found the fish. Unfortunately, the fish was dead. The child was in a shock so he buried the fish. Next, he found the frog. The frg wasn't dead but, he was struggling. So, the child let the frog go. Lastly he found the snake at the mountain. Hefoundthe snake di\ead with blood all over the snake. the boy started to cry. Finally, he thought over what he did by making them die or have stress.

     After watching this video, I felt that I should be more careful when I raisethe animals like fishes. When I go back to home, I am going to take care of the gold fish with love, and respect. I's like parents thinking about us, worrying about us and respecting us. Lastly, Love us. 

                                                 Thank you for reading my essay.   

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