2011년 1월 23일 일요일

History Presentation of Oliver♡

Good morning/ good afternoon Mr. Urban, Miss 도형 and fellow students in class 24. My name is 승연 but you can call me Sarah. Today, as everyone knows, we are having the 2nd history presentation about the characters of the movie, Charlemagne. I am going to introduce to you about Oliver. 1st am going to tell you about brief history about Oliver, 2nd Olivers looks., 3rd, Oliver in the movie, Lastly difference with me and Oliver. To me Oliver in the movie, he is faithful and respectful. I want you to think and listen to my speech. And look back our life when we didnt respect our parents. Even though its the 2nd time, I might be nervous and please tell me when its wrong. So, shall we start to find whose Oliver? I will tell you about him. Lets Begin!!!!!

       First I am going to tell you about brief history about Oliver. Oliver is one of the 12 peers of France. There are Turpin which is Bishop, Duke Naymes which is the wise one, Ganilon the traitor, Lambert of Bourges, Ogier the Dane, Richard of Normandy and other knights which are renowned in the movie. Oliver is the wisest, faithful and also best friend and knight to the king. He went to many wars with Charles. He was always with Charles every day when there is a war. Like at the war of Aquitaine. When the king of Aquitaine tried to kill Charles in the movie, Oliver helped Charles. And also, he caught the prince of Aquitaine which was running away from them. Unfortunately he died because of the trait of Ganilon. At the war with Roncevaux(론스복스). He had sacrificed for the king, Charles.
Secondly I am going to tell you about Olivers looks. In the hand out you can see how he looks like. His hair is brown, with curly hair and long hair. And also, he is wearing body armor. He looks kind and generous looks. Hes looks and the personality is the same. He is kind, generous, respects others and also, faithful.

Thirdly, I am going to tell you about Oliver in the movie. Oliver in the movie is that he is very loyal and faithful. He respected Charles and Charles also respected Oliver. From this I knew that if you are good to someone or you treated nice to someone, you will be also treated the same way. Oliver in the movie was intelligent and also, brave. He is brave in the wars like war with Aquitaine and the war that he was killed, the war with Roncevaux(론스복스). Every time in the movie, he seems kind and happy. He always smiles and also he helps others. I want to be like Oliver who is kind and generous and also, most importantly, faithful.

Lastly, but not the least, I am going to tell you the differences with me and Oliver. Oliver is kind, generous, faithful and etc. but on the other hand when I think back my past, I wasnt kind to my brother or faithful to my parents. Thats the difference. And also, when Oliver is brave, I am not brave enough to even make a speech like, here. The similar thing with me and Oliver is that he and I are trying harder to achieve the dream of ours and also, he and I are trying to be more faithful to someone who is higher than us. Lastly, we have a family that love us and can sacrifice for us and also whom we can sacrifice for them.

Thank you for listening to my speech today. I hope you understood the speech that Ive been telling you. I talked about First about brief history about Oliver. Oliver is one of the 12 peers of France. There are Turpin which is Bishop, Duke Naymes which is the wise one, Ganilon the traitor, Lambert of Bourges, Ogier the Dane, Richard of Normandy and other knights which are renowned in the movie. Oliver is the wisest, faithful and also best friend and knight to the king. Secondly I told you about Olivers looks. In the hand out you can see how he looks like. His hair is brown, with curly hair and long hair. Thirdly, told you about Oliver in the movie. Oliver in the movie is that he is very loyal and faithful. He respected Charles and Charles also respected Oliver. Lastly, but not the least, I am told you the differences with me and Oliver. Oliver is kind, generous, faithful and etc. but on the other hand when I think back my past, I wasnt kind to my brother or faithful to my parents. I think Oliver is very kind generous and also, he is the best character in the movie.


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